Amazon Deals Of The Day

Monday 3 October 2011


In our last post we had posted about the following Pranayams:-

  • Nadi Sodhana
  • Shitali Pranayama
  •  Bhastrika pranayama
  •  Kapalabhati Pranayama
  •  Ujjayi Pranayama
  • Dirga Pranayama
Today we shall cover the rest of the following Pranayams:-

  • Bahya Pranayama :
         Breathe air out, touch chin to chest, squeeze stomach completely and hold for a while.  

         Release chin, breathe in slowly. 

         Repeat 3 to 5 times.

  • Bhramari Pranayama:   
         Close ears with thumb, index finger on forehead, and rest three on base of nose touching  
         Breathe in. And now breathe out through nose while humming like a bee.
         Do this three times.
  • Udgit pranayama:-
       Breathe in deeply, and chant OOOOOOm (long   O and small m).
       Do this 3 times.

 Benefits Of Pranayama For Functioning Of Body Organs.

  • Better functioning of autonomic system improves the working of lungs, heart, diaphragm, abdomen, intestines, kidneys and pancreas.
  • Digestive system improves and diseases pertaining to digestive organs are cured.
  • General irritability due to lethargy/ fatigue vanishes.
  • By pranayama practice all body organs gets more oxygen, toxins are removed from body, therefore onset of various diseases is prevented. Pranayama strengthens the immune system.

              Practising Pranayams on regular basis cleans the mind,body as well as soul.

One develops good and pious thoughts. There is more compassion and mind stays calm and cool. The negativity is gone from the mind.

Apart from this it cures Hypertension,diabetes,thryoid as well as stress related problems.

The face glows and so does the soul.It becomes more beautiful.


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