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Sunday 9 October 2011

Chakra Dhyana

 The Chakra Dhyana is an ancient meditation that cleanses and opens the 
seven major energy centers in the body, also known as Chakras.
This powerful meditation clears, activates, energizes and awakens the 
Chakras, or major energy centers of the body. By focusing awareness on 
each chakra while chanting the 'sound frequency' of that energy center, 
the chakra is healed and activated to it's full potential, clearing past
 traumas and bringing balance to the mind, body and soul. The activation
 of these chakras also has a physical counterpart  i.e. various 
regions in the brain are stimulated leading to a more holistic 
 view towards life. The Kundalini energy awakens and flows through
 these chakras  energising the whole pranic body which directly
 energises the physical body.
This simple meditation, when practiced regularly, will enhance and 
deepen your connection to yourself and all that is, and create more 
energy in your daily life. 
Sit with your eyes closed, spine erect but not rigid Rest your hands 
on your thighs with palms facing up, index fingertips touching the tip 
of each thumb for the first three chakras, touching the middle joint 
of each thumb for the fourth & fifth chakras and the base of the thumb
 for the sixth & seventh chakras.
 As we come to each chakra, focus your attention on the indicated area of your body.
 With each exhale chant themantra that is given in a slow, elongated fashion. 
Begin with the root chakra (Mooladhara) and work upward to theCrown (Sahasrara). 
At the end always allow the energy to ground, flowing down through your body,
 and spend a few minutes in meditation or lie on your back in shavasan.
1. Begin with the Mooladhara chakra, located at the perineum
midway between your anus and genitals.
Say "Om Mooladhara".
Visualize its red color. Slowly repeat "Lang" (pronounced lung)
for a few minutes, then visualize the chakra turning liquid
gold as you say "Kundalini, arohanum" several times.
It is the base for awakening the kundalini, the life energy. lncreases stability.

2. The Swadhisthana chakra, located in the genital
region or at the base of the spine.
Say "Om Swadhisthana".
Visualize its orange color. Say "Vang" (pronounced vung)
for a few minutes, then visualize the chakra turning liquid
gold as you say "Kundalini, arohanum" several times.
lncreases self control and sensitivity.

3. The Manipura chakra, located at the navel.
Say "Om Sri Mani Padme Hum".
Visualize its yellow color. Say "Rang" (pronounced rung)
for a few minutes, then visualize the chakra turning liquid
gold as you say "Kundalini, arohanum" several times.
Awakens intensity and passion, essential for sound health and physical power.

4. The Anahata chakra, in the center of your chest,
your spiritual heart.
Say "Om Anahata".
Visualize its green color. Say "Yang" (pronounced yung)
for a few minutes, then visualize the chakra turning liquid
gold as you say "Kundalini, arohanum" several times.
 Centre of feeling, love and compassion.

5. The Vishuddhi chakra, located in your throat,
at the Adam's apple or the epiglottis.
Say "Om Vishuddhi".
Visualize its blue color. Say "Hang" (pronounced hung)
for a few minutes, then visualize the chakra turning liquid
gold as you say "Kundalini, arohanum" several times.
Evokes surrender, Sacredness, opens up the mystical dimension.

6. The Ajneya chakra, located between our eyebrows.
Say "Om Ajneya".
Visualize its indigo color, the color of the original
  blue jeans prior to washing them. Say "AUM"
in a 3-2-1 ratio. "A-A-A-O-O-M" for a few minutes, 
 Centre where the solar and lunar energies synchronise, essential tor the flowering of Intelligence and awareness, Increases memory and concentration.

7. The Sahasrara chakra, located at the center
of the top of your head.
Say "Om Sahasrara".
Visualize its violet color, pastel purple.
Say "Ogum Satyam Om" for a few minutes, then
visualize the chakra turning liquid gold as you say
"Kundalini, arohanum" several times.
 then visualize the chakra turning liquid gold
as you say "Kundalini, arohanum" several times.
Flowering of this chakra leads to a state of complete union with the Cosmic Consciousness or Enlightenment.

Lie Down in Shavasan
  Lie down with your eyes closed immediately 
after the meditation, 
and relax for at least 10 or 20 minutes, or as long
as you like. Yoga's Corpse Pose, Shavasan, is good for this 
(eyes closed, on your back with arms loosely to the sides, 
palms up, legs slightly apart). Let go. Enjoy. Notice the 
dynamics of the energy in your body as the kundalini flows.
 May your lives become very prosperous and blissful.

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