Amazon Deals Of The Day

Sunday 4 September 2011



Yoga  is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline, originating in ancient India, whose goal is the attainment of a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility.

Yoga originated from the sanskrit word "YUJ" meaning to join, to unite, or to attach.The goals of yoga are varied and range from improving health to achieving Moksha.

Beginning yoga can build strength, flexibility, body awareness, better breathing capabilities, balance, confidence and a greater sense of well being. Beginning yoga will give you a solid knowledge of basic poses.

Beginning Yoga - Meditation
Meditation is an important part of yoga. The mind, body and breath are all connected, so beginning a meditation practice is essential. Meditation is the gateway to the subconscious and brings benefits to every part of your life.
Meditation, the Sanskrit name being Dhyana.
Practicing is only difficult if we become too concerned and worried about doing it correctly. Although staying focused does become easier with time and practice, it is important to keep in mind that there is no right or wrong way to do it. Just let the process happen. Simply following some very basic guidelines will help you to get tremendous benefits from your practice.

 Practice will be best carried out in quiet, peaceful and serene settings, free from distractions. The whole aim is to relax and diminish anxiety. It is therefore a must to be away from the hustle and bustle around you. This is a practice that helps bring balance to your mind, body, and spirit. The benefits are infinite once you develop the foundation. In a world of daily stress and anxiety, it is the bridge to focused awareness. As a form of alternative medicine, it brings about mental calmness and physical relaxation. It works to suspend the stream of thoughts that constantly occupy the mind. 

Benefits of Meditation:

    * we can relax and relieve from tension and stress.
    * we can improve health, boost the immune system and promote recovery.
    * we can improve our focus and concentration.
    * we can increase our creativity and cognitive function
    * we can develop self-awareness and promote personal growth
    * we can experience greater joy and happiness.
    * we can achieve Deeper relaxation
    * we can decrease muscle tension
    * it helps us to conquer our ego
    * it helps us to be more compassionate and forgiving
    * it helps us to  create a deeper and divine relationship with your God


1. Go to a quiet place with no distractions, or to a special room or area that you have devoted to your meditation practice.Light an incense stick for a nice aromatic meditation.

2. Sit upright on the floor  in a cross-legged position,  hands resting on knees or in a cupped position in lap.

3. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax the body.

4. Begin to focus the awareness on the breath as it naturally comes in and goes out of the nose. Don't try to alter the breath, just follow it easily.

5. When thoughts arise, gently acknowledge them and then let them float away like a cloud. Bring your awareness back to the gentle flow of the breath.

6. Stay with your awareness of the breath for 10 to 30 minutes.

7. When you are through with your meditation practice, slowly stretch, take a deep breath and notice how the days will start to bring higher awareness, sensitivity and reduced stress levels.

Stay with a regular meditation practice and, above all, don't judge yourself or your meditation experience. The words "easy", "gentle" and "non-judgment" should be the guidelines for your practice.

One can also recite "Aum" or play "Gayatri Mantra" in the background for more concentration and be more close to  the supreme power "The GOD".

All Spiritual paths prescribe meditation and contemplation. These paths help seek God within. Buddha, Mahavir, Kabir,Jesus,Nanak and Sufi practised meditation.It is a quicker way to self realization.

Yoga is invigoration in relaxation. Freedom in routine. Confidence through self control. Energy within and energy without.- Ymber Delecto

Yoga is the practice of quieting the mind. - Patanjali

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